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Our Services


Supporting Monastics

Arya Tara Ling is dedicated to supporting Monastics in their spiritual practice. We provide funding for basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter, as well as support for their Dharma projects.

Education and Study

At Arya Tara Ling, we believe that education and study are essential to understanding and practicing Dharma. We offer regular classes, workshops, and retreats on a wide range of topics related to Buddhism and spirituality.


Community Outreach

We believe that Dharma is for everyone, and we strive to make it accessible to all. Our community outreach programs include free meditation classes, talks on Buddhism, and support for those in need.

Dharma Projects

Arya Tara Ling is committed to supporting Dharma projects around the world. We provide funding and resources for projects related to education, environmental conservation, and other endeavors that promote peace and well-being.


Support for Orphans

In the Himalayas, a region known for its beautiful scenery and rich history, the plight of orphans remains a critical issue.  Many children have lost their parents to natural disasters, epidemics and entrenched poverty, leaving them unable to attend school and vulnerable to self-reliance.  Arya Tara Ling not only provides basic necessities such as housing and food, but also ensures access to education and health care. It also strives to prepare these children to help more homeless people in society in the future.

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